Thursday, October 16, 2008

9. Evangelism

1. What is evangelism?
2. How does the church help in evangelism?
3. How can I tell others about the gospel?

"No man is excluded from calling upon God, the gate of salvation is set open unto all men: neither is there any other thing which keeps us back from entering in, save only our own unbelief." –J. Calvin

Read Matthew 28:18-20. What does Jesus command us to do? What does he tell us to comfort and encourage us in doing this?

1. What is evangelism?

· Evangelism is telling the gospel to non-Christians. It is telling others about Jesus’ sinless life, his death on the cross for our sins, and his resurrection from the dead.

· Evangelism will often mean sharing your own testimony of how you came to Christ. This will help make it more personal and clear to others.

· When telling others about Christ it is best to base what you say on Scripture. For example, “We are all sinners, as it says in the Bible ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,’ (Ro 3:23)”

· Evangelism will usually mean calling for a response, as in “Have you ever accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? Would you like to?” And then praying to Christ with people.

Read John 13:34-35. What does Jesus command his people to do? What does this reveal to ‘all men’?

2. How does the church help in evangelism?

· How we live our lives makes the gospel look more attractive to people. It is important for Christians to demonstrate to non-Christians that believing in Christ means being in a gospel-centered community with a local church.

· The church can provide encouragement, training, prayer, and a network of relationships which can help you in evangelism. Evangelism is a team effort. Some plant seeds, others water, God makes it grow (1 Cor 3:6-7)

· Inviting a non-Christian friend to a worship service, a small group, or some ministry event could be one step in helping them understand the gospel. They may hear the gospel in a sermon, and afterwards ask you questions about what they heard.

· Though getting people to come to church is not a replacement of our responsibility to evangelize, it is an important part of our whole witness.

Read Acts 17:22-31. How does Paul begin his witness to the men of Athens? How does he connect their situation with the gospel? What does he call them to do?

3. How can I tell others about the gospel?

· The simple answer is “Go find some non-Christians and tell them about what Jesus did for them!”

· But of course, there are different ways to do this. As long as the gospel is clearly articulated with honesty and integrity, any way is a good way! It really comes down to individual calling and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

· Some prefer informal conversations where the subject comes up naturally. Others prefer using tracts (little booklets which explain the gospel). Some prefer to be more confrontational and bold, perhaps even going door to door. Some are in positions to preach the gospel from the pulpit. We can all evangelize different ways at different times.

· The main things to remember are: be courageous and honest, be clear about the gospel, be sensitive and wise concerning others, and pray like crazy!

1 comment:

FBC said...

For a simple tool, consider the bridge illustration: