Thursday, October 16, 2008

How this Works

Hey Friends! Here is a brief explanation of how this works. There are 10 classes to the New Membership Class, as follows:

1. The Gospel
2. The Church
3. Studying the Scriptures
4. Baptism
5. Lord’s Supper
6. Pastors / Elders / Deacons
7. Church Discipline
8. Small Groups
9. Evangelism
10. FBC's Statement of faith

The best way to study, is to start with #1 The Gospel (note, not #10 Statement of Faith, save that for last). Try to answer the 3 questions on your own. Maybe even write down an answer. Look up the Scriptures and think through the questions. Then look to the study section, which answers the three questions. After you believe you have come to understand the issue move on to 2-9.

The last one, 10, is a bit different. It is our Statement of Faith. Our desire is that every member will be able to sign a statement of faith indicating that they agree with it. But more importantly we want you to have thought through it, understand it, and be able to articulate it for yourself.

Please feel free to leave any comments that you think will be helpful to others.

The Lord's Blessing

10. Statement of Faith

This final class will be a little different. Rather than having 3 questions to answer, it is your turn to ask the questions. Ask the questions of yourself, look up Scripture passages, and think through the Statement of Faith. As you think through the statement of Faith, feel free to talk to any of the pastors about your thoughts. If something is unclear, ask! If something needs further explaining, ask! We would love to hear from you and talk about it together. In the end we want all of our members to be united and excited about the essentials of what unites us. Please, we would love to hear from you as you consider membership at FBC!

The Authority of Scripture: The Bible is the inspired, authoritative and infallible Word of God and is our sole rule of faith and practice. It is the standard by which all human conduct and creeds should be tried.

The Trinity: There is only one true and living God, the Creator and preserver of all things, infinite in being and perfection. He exists eternally in three Persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who are of one substance and equal in power and glory. God possesses holiness, omnipotence, omnipresence, love, mercy, and all other perfections. Humankind owes to Him supreme faith and obedience.

Humankind: Humankind has been created in the image of God, but through Adam’s fall is now sinful, lost and condemned. By deliberate choice all participate in sin, which is open rebellion to God’s law. Notwithstanding the fall, all human life through creation has dignity and value.

Jesus Christ: The eternally pre-existent Son became incarnate without human father being born of the virgin Mary. Thus in the Lord Jesus Christ divine and human natures were united in one Person, both natures being whole, perfect and distinct. To effect salvation, Jesus lived a sinless life and died on the cross as the sinner’s substitute, shedding His blood for the remission of sins. On the third day he rose from the dead in the body which had been laid in the tomb, He ascended to the right hand of the Father, where he performs the ministry of intercession. He shall come again, personally and visibly, to complete His saving work and to consummate the eternal plan of God.

Justification by Faith: Human beings can be forgiven and justified solely through the redeeming work of Jesus Christ who died for sinners and rose from the dead. Only by repentance from sin and faith in Jesus Christ the Lord can acceptance with God be attained.

The Work of the Holy Spirit: Regeneration is the work of the Holy Spirit by which the believer receives a new nature from God. Christian growth or sanctification, is the continuation of the new principle which begins with the new birth.

The Believer: The believer, having turned to God in penitent faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, is accountable to God for living a life separated from sin and characterized by the fruit of the Spirit. It is the responsibility of the believer to contribute by word and deed to the universal spread of the Gospel.

Human Destiny: Jesus Christ will eventually return visibly at which time He will raise the dead and judge all people. Believers will enjoy an eternal state of blessedness in heaven while unbelievers will experience eternal separation from God.

The Church: The church in its widest sense includes all believers throughout the ages. The church is manifested visibly in the local body of baptized believers who covenant together to worship, observe the ordinances and evangelize.

Evangelism and Social Concern: The church has been called to preach the Gospel so that individual people can receive salvation. The church is also called to become involved in improvement of society by advocating Biblical principles which militate against poverty, racism, violence and all forms of injustice against humankind.

Marriage and Sexuality: We believe that marriage is the holy union of one man and one woman in which they commit, with God’s help, to build a loving, life-giving, faithful relationship that will last a lifetime. We believe that God has intended a sexual relationship to exist within the confines of marriage for procreation and as a blessing to spouses that they would grow in love for one another. We believe the Bible teaches that sexual relationships outside of marriage between husband and wife are considered sinful and contrary to God’s plan for humankind.

9. Evangelism

1. What is evangelism?
2. How does the church help in evangelism?
3. How can I tell others about the gospel?

"No man is excluded from calling upon God, the gate of salvation is set open unto all men: neither is there any other thing which keeps us back from entering in, save only our own unbelief." –J. Calvin

Read Matthew 28:18-20. What does Jesus command us to do? What does he tell us to comfort and encourage us in doing this?

1. What is evangelism?

· Evangelism is telling the gospel to non-Christians. It is telling others about Jesus’ sinless life, his death on the cross for our sins, and his resurrection from the dead.

· Evangelism will often mean sharing your own testimony of how you came to Christ. This will help make it more personal and clear to others.

· When telling others about Christ it is best to base what you say on Scripture. For example, “We are all sinners, as it says in the Bible ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,’ (Ro 3:23)”

· Evangelism will usually mean calling for a response, as in “Have you ever accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? Would you like to?” And then praying to Christ with people.

Read John 13:34-35. What does Jesus command his people to do? What does this reveal to ‘all men’?

2. How does the church help in evangelism?

· How we live our lives makes the gospel look more attractive to people. It is important for Christians to demonstrate to non-Christians that believing in Christ means being in a gospel-centered community with a local church.

· The church can provide encouragement, training, prayer, and a network of relationships which can help you in evangelism. Evangelism is a team effort. Some plant seeds, others water, God makes it grow (1 Cor 3:6-7)

· Inviting a non-Christian friend to a worship service, a small group, or some ministry event could be one step in helping them understand the gospel. They may hear the gospel in a sermon, and afterwards ask you questions about what they heard.

· Though getting people to come to church is not a replacement of our responsibility to evangelize, it is an important part of our whole witness.

Read Acts 17:22-31. How does Paul begin his witness to the men of Athens? How does he connect their situation with the gospel? What does he call them to do?

3. How can I tell others about the gospel?

· The simple answer is “Go find some non-Christians and tell them about what Jesus did for them!”

· But of course, there are different ways to do this. As long as the gospel is clearly articulated with honesty and integrity, any way is a good way! It really comes down to individual calling and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

· Some prefer informal conversations where the subject comes up naturally. Others prefer using tracts (little booklets which explain the gospel). Some prefer to be more confrontational and bold, perhaps even going door to door. Some are in positions to preach the gospel from the pulpit. We can all evangelize different ways at different times.

· The main things to remember are: be courageous and honest, be clear about the gospel, be sensitive and wise concerning others, and pray like crazy!

8. Small Groups

1. What are small groups?
2. What goes on in a small group?
3. Why should I be part of a small group?

Small Groups
"Christian brotherhood is not an ideal which we must realize; it is rather a reality created by God in Christ in which we may participate.” (Bonhoeffer, Life Together)

Read Acts 2:42-47. Where are the Christians meeting? What are they doing when they meet?

1. What are small groups?

· Small groups are groups of Christians who meet together as part of the church to build each other up in our faith in the gospel.

· Small groups are not a replacement of the church! They are an important part of the church. Usually a church will have several small groups.

· Small groups enable us to go deeper in our relationships. It’s hard to get to know all 150-200 people in your church really well. It’s a lot easier to know 5-6 other Christians really well.

· Small groups can be Bible Study groups, men’s groups, women’s groups, couples groups, family groups, teen groups, mixed groups, whatever! The important thing is that they are groups of Christians meeting for growth in our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Read 1 Thess 5:12-24. What are some of the things the Bible commands us to do here? How would focusing on a smaller group of people help you do this?

2. What goes on in a small group?

· Small groups are where the rubber meets the road. In small groups you will go through all of life’s ups and downs together. You will share each other’s failures and successes, suffering and achievements. Conflict will most likely arise, but so will unity. Be prepared! This is one of the most excited parts of being a Christian!

· There are essential parts of any small group. The centrality of the Scriptures, prayer, and fellowship should be part of small group life.

· Different small groups approach their time together differently. Some will focus on one aspect of Christianity more than others. For example, some focus more on in-depth study of the Scriptures, others on serving, others on evangelism, etc.

Read Ecclesiastes 4:7-12. What is the drawback of being alone? What is the value of being with others?

3. Why should I be part of a small group?

· Christ wants you to grow, and small groups are one way that can happen. Being part of a small group doesn’t guarantee growth, but it provides us with an opportunity to live out our faith with others who believe the gospel.

· You need your brothers and sisters in Christ! I know that because that is how God made all of us. Some of us are more private, others are more communal, but all of us need people. You need people to encourage you and challenge you, to confront you and comfort you.

· Your brothers and sisters in Christ need you! It’s a two way street. You have something to offer. Your perspective, your gifts, your experiences, your friendship, and even just your presence are important to other people. Please don’t let us down!

· Our goal at First Baptist is to have as close to 100% involvement in small groups as we can. In other words we want everyone involved in a small group. As you become a member we strongly recommend you consider joining one. If it sounds intimidating, step out in faith!

7. Church Discipline

1. What is church discipline?
2. Why do churches need to do it?
3. What is my responsibility in this?

Church Discipline
“He who looks upon his brother should know that he will be eternally united with him in Jesus Christ.”—Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together

Read Matthew 18:15-17. What should we do if someone sins against us? What if they don’t listen? Then what?

1. What is church discipline?

· Church discipline is the responsibility of the local church to confront and restore brothers and sisters in Christ who are continuing in an unrepentant sin. This sin might be doctrinal (a denial of essential Christian doctrine) or moral (adultery, theft, slander). It is not referring to typical disagreements.

· Church discipline should always be done lovingly, gently, caringly, patiently, humbly, and truthfully. Unlike the manipulation of the world, Christians are called to be clear, straightforward, and honest.

· Church discipline has stages. First, sin should be dealt with by one-on-one confrontation. Second one or two witnesses are taken along to confront someone. Third the church is notified and should confront the person. And finally, he or she is asked to leave the church in hope that they will eventually repent and return.

Read 1 Corinthians 5:9-12. Who should we ‘not associate with’ as Christians? Is it our place to judge others? Who and when?

2. Why do churches need to do it?

· Church discipline is done to maintain God’s standard of holiness for Christians. Though Christians will never be perfect, we are called to pursue holiness. Part of this calling means dealing with sin in the church.

· Church discipline is done to help the person who is continuing in sin. The point is to encourage and warn the person in hope that they would repent. It should be done with restoration in view.

· Church discipline is done to maintain peace and integrity in the whole congregation. If sin is not dealt with biblically it has effects on the whole church. Others are always effected by someone’s sin.

· Church discipline is done to enable the church to better evangelize. If someone is caught in a sin and refuses to repent, it mars the reputation of the church to non-Christians and hurts its witness.

Read Galatians 6:1-2. What are we to do with a brother or sister caught in sin? How are we to do it? What must we beware of in doing this?

3. What is my responsibility in this?

· Our responsibility in church discipline as individual members is to follow the biblical model for church discipline.

· This would mean first going to a person one-on-one if they have sinned against you. If it is not resolved bring along a witness or two. If it is still not resolved speak to an elder or pastor.

· Our responsibility also means being willing to receive confrontation about sin. Instead of being reactionary, angry, and defensive to those who confront us, being willing to listen, understand, and respond lovingly to those who confront us.

· Church discipline doesn’t mean we are always going to agree! No doubt churches will continue to disagree about any number of things. But in issues that are clearly sinful according to the Bible, God calls the local church to a high standard.

6. Pastors / Elders / Deacons

1. Why do we have Pastors?
2. Why do we have Elders?
3. Why do we have Deacons?

Pastors / Elders / Deacons
"God can send a nation of people no greater blessing than to give them faithful, sincere, upright ministers…" (George Whitefield)

Read Ephesians 4:11-13. Who is the one who gives pastors? What is the reason he gives pastors?

1. Why do we have Pastors?

· Pastor is another word for shepherd. The role of a pastor is to shepherd people in ministry. This is done by feeding us from the Scriptures, caring for our souls, and providing leadership and direction.

· The Bible calls us to a unique respect towards those entrusted with the pastoral care of the church. Love your pastors! (Hebrews 13:17)

· Pastors are not super-Christians, or ‘priests,’ or prophets. All Christians are sinners saved by the grace of God in Christ. Pastors are men gifted and called by God to lead a church under the authority of Christ.

· Churches typically have one or more pastors. These men are chosen and supported by the congregation upon the recommendation of a search committee. Sometimes pastors are given specific areas of ministry to focus on (Senior, associate, family, children’s, youth, etc.)

Read Titus 1:5-9. What are some of the qualifications for being an elder? What is the ‘trustworthy message’ that he must hold firmly to?

2. Why do we have Elders?

· The Elders of a church are men (not necessarily old men as it sounds!) called to lead a church by providing spiritual oversight to the members.

· Elders should be men of Godly character, who know and believe the Scriptures and have the ability to teach. Like pastors, the Bible calls us to have a unique respect for those called to be elders, while recognizing their fallibility! (1 Tim 5:17-20)

· Among other things, Elders will usually teach Sunday School classes, help lead Sunday morning worship, make decisions about vision and the ministry of the church, and provide counsel to members.

· Churches typically have a plurality of elders. These men are recommended by the pastors and are voted on by the whole congregation.

Read 1 Timothy 3:8-13. What are the qualifications for being a deacon? Is this different from the qualifications for being an elder? How about the responsibility of every Christian?

3. Why do we have Deacons?

· Deacon is another word for servant. Deacons are called to serve the church in an official capacity. They are people called to care for the needs of the church body as they arise.

· Deacons, like elders, are to be people of Godly character, but not necessarily having the ability or the responsibility of teaching.

· Deacons will oftentimes be those serving behind the scenes, providing phone calls and visits to the sick, helping make preparations for worship or meetings, and dealing with the all around practical and physical needs of a congregation.

· Deacons when recognized as gifted and competent in this area are chosen by the nominating committee to serve, and are voted on by the congregation.

5. Lord's Supper

1. What is communion?
2. Who should take communion and who shouldn't?
3. Why should I take communion?

Lord’s Supper
"Whenever the gospel is preached it is as if God himself came into the midst of us." (John Calvin)

Read Matthew 26:26-30. Who does Jesus share this meal with? What does Jesus say the bread and the cup symbolize?

1. What is communion?

· Communion is first and foremost a physical symbol of our spiritual union with Christ by the gospel. The bread symbolizes his body broken for us, and the wine symbolizes his blood shed for us.

· Communion is secondly a symbol of our union with one another. By sharing in communion together as a church we demonstrate our unity of faith in the gospel.

· The bread and the drink are not the actual physical body and blood of Christ. Jesus’ body was risen from the grave and seated at the right hand of the Father.

· Similar to baptism, communion does not save you. Only faith in Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection can do that. However communion is an important symbol of our ongoing union with Christ by the gospel.

Read 1 Cor 11:27-32. What should we do before we take communion? Why?

2. Who should take communion and who shouldn’t?

· Communion should be a joyful and reverent celebration for those who believe the gospel. It is an act of worship for Christians.

· Children who are too young to understand the significance of communion should wait until they are able to grasp what communion is all about.

· Christians should search their hearts, think about Christ, and reaffirm their faith in the gospel in preparation for taking communion.

· Non-members who are genuine Christians are always welcome to take communion. This includes regular attendees and visitors.

Read 1 Cor 11:23-26. Paul quotes Jesus' own words from the gospels. What did Jesus say the disciples should do? What do we proclaim when we do this?

3. Why should I take communion?

· Like baptism, you should not take communion just because the people around you are doing it. You should not take communion just because it is a habit or ritual that you are used to doing. You should not take communion because you think it will save you or make you a Christian.

· You should take communion in joyful obedience to God’s command as a symbol of your union with Christ through the gospel, and in unity with fellow Christians in your church. What a powerful expression of your faith!

· First Baptist does a service of communion as a church body once a month at the end of the Worship Service on the first Sunday of the month.

4. Baptism

1. What is Baptism?
2. What’s the difference between baptizing a baby or an adult?
3. Why should I be baptized?

Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Mt 28:18-20)

Read Romans 6:1-7. What does Baptism symbolize? How does Baptism symbolize this?

1. What is Baptism?

· Baptism is the symbol of your faith in the gospel. In the Bible, God commands Christians to be baptized as a sign of their faith in Christ.

· Baptism symbolizes the burial of the old with Christ (as we are immersed into the water) and our resurrection to a new life with Christ (as we arise out of the water).

· Baptism cannot save anyone! There are many people who are baptized who have never genuinely put their faith in Christ and are not saved. There are those who are saved but have not yet been baptized.

· You can be baptized anywhere (a baptismal, a lake, or even a pool!). However, being baptized in front of a church family allows all of us to share with you. Baptisms are an encouragement and reminder of God’s grace to the whole church family!

Read Romans 10:9-10. How does someone become saved?

2. What’s the difference between baptizing a baby or an adult?

· Many denominations baptize babies (Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, etc.). We believe someone can be a genuine Christian even though they were only baptized as a baby. Again, being baptized doesn’t save anyone! Only faith in Christ can do that.

· However, we believe the Bible teaches to baptize someone after they consciously believe in Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Since babies cannot consciously do this, they should wait to be baptized.

· If someone has been baptized as a baby, and later in life comes to believe in Jesus, they should seek to be baptized as a believer. In this way, the symbol of baptism can more accurately reflect their union with Christ.

Read Acts 8:30-38. What does Philip explain to the eunuch? What does the eunuch ask Philip after he believes the gospel?

3. Why should I be baptized?

· You should not be baptized just because your family or your friends are being baptized. You should not be baptized just because your parents or teacher or pastor wants you to. You should not be baptized because you think that will make you a Christian or save you from hell.

· You should be baptized as a symbol of your faith in the gospel and in joyful obedience to God’s Word. Baptism is a way of proclaiming your faith in Christ to everyone!

· Being baptized is not something you should fear or be uncertain about. Make sure you are sure and genuine in your faith in the Christ before making this decision. Don’t rush it.

· However, it is not something you should put off either. Remember God’s Word commands Christians to be baptized. If you are sure about your faith in Christ, then take the plunge!

3. Studying the Scriptures

1. Why is study of Scripture so important for a church?
2. What about preaching?
3. What is my role in studying Scripture?

Studying the Scriptures
“He hath written it down in a book. O give me that book! At any price, give me the book of God! I have it: here is knowledge enough for me. Let me be homo unius libri (a man of one Book). Here then I am, far from the busy ways of men. I sit down alone: only God is here. In his presence I open, I read his book; for this end, to find the way to heaven.” (Baxter, preface to Standard Sermons)

Read 2 Tim 3:16. How does the Bible describe Scripture? What does God say the Bible is useful for?

1. Why is study of Scripture so important for a church?

· Study of Scripture is essential for every church. Without it a church dies spiritually, and with it a church grows spiritually. All Christians should try study the Bible.

· All Christians should be studying God’s Word throughout the week (personal study, small group study, Sunday School).

· When we study the Scriptures we are discovering deeper the grace of the gospel—Jesus’ atoning work on the cross for our salvation. We need to hear the gospel again and again.

· The Scriptures tell us the type of life God calls us to live. It includes all areas of life: marriage, parenting, work, entertainment, prayer, speech, sleep, celebration, death, grief, heaven and hell, etc.

Read Ro 10:14-17. Explain the progression of how the gospel comes to us? How do we obtain faith?

2. What about preaching?

· Preaching is the proclamation of God’s Word. When a pastor preaches, he is explaining and declaring the Scriptures to people.

· Preaching is a unique and central way in which God calls his people to receive his Word. Good preaching is preaching that is faithful to the Bible.

· Although there are different types of preaching, preaching should always be explaining and declaring the Scriptures, not just psycho-social theories, a collection of stories, or marketing strategies.

Read James 1:22-25. What should we do when we hear the Word? Explain the mirror analogy. What benefit is there in doing the Word?

3. What is my role in studying Scripture?

· It is our responsibility to try to consistently sit under the authority of the Word. This is important for our own spiritual growth and maturity.

· When we study Scripture, we should also be praying for understanding. Pray that we will be faithful to the Scriptures and that God would open our hearts by His Holy Spirit to understand His Word.

· It is our responsibility to not merely listen to the Word but to apply it. We should be praying and searching our hearts for ways in which God’s word teaches, corrects, rebukes, and encourages us in our lives.

· It is our responsibility to try to discern carefully whether what someone says is Biblical or not. We should always weigh what teachers say by our own reading of Scripture.

2. The Church

1. What is the Church?
2. Why did God create the Church?
3. Am I a member of the Church?

The Church
"The church is the fruit of the gospel." (Hywel R. Jones)

Read 1 Peter 2:9-10. How does Peter describe the church? What are we called to declare?

1. What is the Church?

· The church is the people who believe the gospel. The church is not a building, a social club, a political organization, or an activist group. The church is the people who believe in Jesus Christ.

· The Bible describes the church in different ways. It is the body of Christ, the bride of Christ, the pillar and stronghold of truth, built upon the institution against which the gates of hell will not prevail.

· The Church (capital C) includes all Christians from all over the world and throughout all time. There is only one Church.

· The local church is a visible community of Christians who gather together for teaching, worship, fellowship, prayer, accountability, giving, etc.

Read Galatians 6:1-2. What should we do when we see each other caught in sin? How do we fulfill the law of Christ?

2. Why did God create the Church?

· As Christians, we need each other! God doesn’t call us to be lone ranger Christians. He calls us to rely on each other to grow

· Being part of a local church means sitting under the teaching of the Bible so you can learn, having Christian fellowship with other Christians, and having accountability.

· You have been given a spiritual gift, even if you don’t know what that is yet. God has given it to you to serve and build up the body of Christ.

· God created the church to share the gospel with others. God created the church for his own Glory!

Read 1 Cor 12:14-27. What does it mean to be the body of Christ?

3. Am I a member of the Church?

· Yes…and maybe No. If you are a Christian (in other words if you have believed the gospel by trusting in Christ as your Lord and Savior) than you are spiritually a member of the Church.

· However you must actively become a member of a local church. God not only makes us part of the Church, but calls us to be part of a local church.

· Being member of a local church means making a commitment. This is not something you should do lightly. Consider what the church believes, what the people are like, and what the teaching is like.

· Being a member of a local church means sticking with it. It means going through all the ups and downs of church life together. It means being pushed and challenged to grow and to help others to grow. It isn’t easy!

1. The Gospel

1. What is the gospel?
2. What does it mean to believe in Jesus Christ?
3. How do I write my testimony?

The Gospel
“The gospel is not 'God loves us,' but 'God loves us at the cost of his Son." (Derek Thomas)

Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-5. How does Scripture define what the gospel is?

1. What is the gospel?

* The gospel literally means ‘good news’ The gospel is the best news you could ever hear. It is God’s news to us that we share with one another.

* The gospel is a historical reality, not an experience. The gospel really happened. It is not about what one person believes versus what another person believes.

* The gospel is what God has done for us through his son Jesus. The gospel is not what we do, but what God has done for us. We can’t earn our salvation by good works, Christ has already done the work for us.

* The gospel is what we believe in to be saved. We respond to the gospel by believing it. We don’t make the gospel true, we believe that it is true.

Read John 3:1-21. What does it mean to be born again? In verse 16, what does Jesus say about those who believe in Him?

2. What does it mean to believe in Jesus Christ?

* To believe in something means to put your faith in it. You believe that an airplane works by getting on it and flying in it.

* To believe in Jesus means to place your trust in him for salvation. To believe in Jesus means to trust him instead of your own works for salvation. We trust in his sacrifice on the cross as a payment for our sins.

* When you believe in Jesus as your savior and Lord you begin a relationship with him. Jesus is not an ‘idea,’ a ‘philosophy,’ or even a ‘religion.’ Jesus is a person whom you can know.

* The question God asks is ‘Are you believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?’ rather than ‘Did you believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?’ It is on-going.

Read 1 Peter 3:15. What does it mean to give an answer for our hope? According to Peter in what way are we supposed to give it?

3. How do I write my testimony?

* A testimony is your account of how you came to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It is your own personal story of coming to trust in Christ as Lord and Savior.

* When you write out your personal testimony it should be honest and simple. Don’t feel like you have to add lots of details or try to make your testimony seem more exciting. Just describe how God has worked in your life to bring you to faith in Jesus Christ.

* When you write your testimony out, take your time and do so prayerfully, reflecting on your life. You may want to add some Scripture passages that God has used in your life.