This final class will be a little different. Rather than having 3 questions to answer, it is your turn to ask the questions. Ask the questions of yourself, look up Scripture passages, and think through the Statement of Faith. As you think through the statement of Faith, feel free to talk to any of the pastors about your thoughts. If something is unclear, ask! If something needs further explaining, ask! We would love to hear from you and talk about it together. In the end we want all of our members to be united and excited about the essentials of what unites us. Please, we would love to hear from you as you consider membership at FBC!
The Authority of Scripture: The Bible is the inspired, authoritative and infallible Word of God and is our sole rule of faith and practice. It is the standard by which all human conduct and creeds should be tried.
The Trinity: There is only one true and living God, the Creator and preserver of all things, infinite in being and perfection. He exists eternally in three Persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who are of one substance and equal in power and glory. God possesses holiness, omnipotence, omnipresence, love, mercy, and all other perfections. Humankind owes to Him supreme faith and obedience.
Humankind: Humankind has been created in the image of God, but through Adam’s fall is now sinful, lost and condemned. By deliberate choice all participate in sin, which is open rebellion to God’s law. Notwithstanding the fall, all human life through creation has dignity and value.
Jesus Christ: The eternally pre-existent Son became incarnate without human father being born of the virgin Mary. Thus in the Lord Jesus Christ divine and human natures were united in one Person, both natures being whole, perfect and distinct. To effect salvation, Jesus lived a sinless life and died on the cross as the sinner’s substitute, shedding His blood for the remission of sins. On the third day he rose from the dead in the body which had been laid in the tomb, He ascended to the right hand of the Father, where he performs the ministry of intercession. He shall come again, personally and visibly, to complete His saving work and to consummate the eternal plan of God.
Justification by Faith: Human beings can be forgiven and justified solely through the redeeming work of Jesus Christ who died for sinners and rose from the dead. Only by repentance from sin and faith in Jesus Christ the Lord can acceptance with God be attained.
The Work of the Holy Spirit: Regeneration is the work of the Holy Spirit by which the believer receives a new nature from God. Christian growth or sanctification, is the continuation of the new principle which begins with the new birth.
The Believer: The believer, having turned to God in penitent faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, is accountable to God for living a life separated from sin and characterized by the fruit of the Spirit. It is the responsibility of the believer to contribute by word and deed to the universal spread of the Gospel.
Human Destiny: Jesus Christ will eventually return visibly at which time He will raise the dead and judge all people. Believers will enjoy an eternal state of blessedness in heaven while unbelievers will experience eternal separation from God.
The Church: The church in its widest sense includes all believers throughout the ages. The church is manifested visibly in the local body of baptized believers who covenant together to worship, observe the ordinances and evangelize.
Evangelism and Social Concern: The church has been called to preach the Gospel so that individual people can receive salvation. The church is also called to become involved in improvement of society by advocating Biblical principles which militate against poverty, racism, violence and all forms of injustice against humankind.
Marriage and Sexuality: We believe that marriage is the holy union of one man and one woman in which they commit, with God’s help, to build a loving, life-giving, faithful relationship that will last a lifetime. We believe that God has intended a sexual relationship to exist within the confines of marriage for procreation and as a blessing to spouses that they would grow in love for one another. We believe the Bible teaches that sexual relationships outside of marriage between husband and wife are considered sinful and contrary to God’s plan for humankind.
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