Thursday, October 16, 2008

2. The Church

1. What is the Church?
2. Why did God create the Church?
3. Am I a member of the Church?

The Church
"The church is the fruit of the gospel." (Hywel R. Jones)

Read 1 Peter 2:9-10. How does Peter describe the church? What are we called to declare?

1. What is the Church?

· The church is the people who believe the gospel. The church is not a building, a social club, a political organization, or an activist group. The church is the people who believe in Jesus Christ.

· The Bible describes the church in different ways. It is the body of Christ, the bride of Christ, the pillar and stronghold of truth, built upon the institution against which the gates of hell will not prevail.

· The Church (capital C) includes all Christians from all over the world and throughout all time. There is only one Church.

· The local church is a visible community of Christians who gather together for teaching, worship, fellowship, prayer, accountability, giving, etc.

Read Galatians 6:1-2. What should we do when we see each other caught in sin? How do we fulfill the law of Christ?

2. Why did God create the Church?

· As Christians, we need each other! God doesn’t call us to be lone ranger Christians. He calls us to rely on each other to grow

· Being part of a local church means sitting under the teaching of the Bible so you can learn, having Christian fellowship with other Christians, and having accountability.

· You have been given a spiritual gift, even if you don’t know what that is yet. God has given it to you to serve and build up the body of Christ.

· God created the church to share the gospel with others. God created the church for his own Glory!

Read 1 Cor 12:14-27. What does it mean to be the body of Christ?

3. Am I a member of the Church?

· Yes…and maybe No. If you are a Christian (in other words if you have believed the gospel by trusting in Christ as your Lord and Savior) than you are spiritually a member of the Church.

· However you must actively become a member of a local church. God not only makes us part of the Church, but calls us to be part of a local church.

· Being member of a local church means making a commitment. This is not something you should do lightly. Consider what the church believes, what the people are like, and what the teaching is like.

· Being a member of a local church means sticking with it. It means going through all the ups and downs of church life together. It means being pushed and challenged to grow and to help others to grow. It isn’t easy!

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