Thursday, October 16, 2008

3. Studying the Scriptures

1. Why is study of Scripture so important for a church?
2. What about preaching?
3. What is my role in studying Scripture?

Studying the Scriptures
“He hath written it down in a book. O give me that book! At any price, give me the book of God! I have it: here is knowledge enough for me. Let me be homo unius libri (a man of one Book). Here then I am, far from the busy ways of men. I sit down alone: only God is here. In his presence I open, I read his book; for this end, to find the way to heaven.” (Baxter, preface to Standard Sermons)

Read 2 Tim 3:16. How does the Bible describe Scripture? What does God say the Bible is useful for?

1. Why is study of Scripture so important for a church?

· Study of Scripture is essential for every church. Without it a church dies spiritually, and with it a church grows spiritually. All Christians should try study the Bible.

· All Christians should be studying God’s Word throughout the week (personal study, small group study, Sunday School).

· When we study the Scriptures we are discovering deeper the grace of the gospel—Jesus’ atoning work on the cross for our salvation. We need to hear the gospel again and again.

· The Scriptures tell us the type of life God calls us to live. It includes all areas of life: marriage, parenting, work, entertainment, prayer, speech, sleep, celebration, death, grief, heaven and hell, etc.

Read Ro 10:14-17. Explain the progression of how the gospel comes to us? How do we obtain faith?

2. What about preaching?

· Preaching is the proclamation of God’s Word. When a pastor preaches, he is explaining and declaring the Scriptures to people.

· Preaching is a unique and central way in which God calls his people to receive his Word. Good preaching is preaching that is faithful to the Bible.

· Although there are different types of preaching, preaching should always be explaining and declaring the Scriptures, not just psycho-social theories, a collection of stories, or marketing strategies.

Read James 1:22-25. What should we do when we hear the Word? Explain the mirror analogy. What benefit is there in doing the Word?

3. What is my role in studying Scripture?

· It is our responsibility to try to consistently sit under the authority of the Word. This is important for our own spiritual growth and maturity.

· When we study Scripture, we should also be praying for understanding. Pray that we will be faithful to the Scriptures and that God would open our hearts by His Holy Spirit to understand His Word.

· It is our responsibility to not merely listen to the Word but to apply it. We should be praying and searching our hearts for ways in which God’s word teaches, corrects, rebukes, and encourages us in our lives.

· It is our responsibility to try to discern carefully whether what someone says is Biblical or not. We should always weigh what teachers say by our own reading of Scripture.

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